In Moon Summit, there are countless ways to spend time and infinite adventures for you to embark on.


No matter what you plan—hiking beautiful trails, kayaking across lakes and ponds, rafting on Knotwood River, climbing Mount Tseba, exploring caves and caverns, or taking the scenic route up to Highground Falls—you are sure to leave with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the Alaskan wilderness.

Although adventure is limitless, we recommend that you do not partake in any activities inside the park that you have little to no previous experience in. If you are trying an activity for the first time, you should have an experienced professional present to provide guidance and safety. Hiring an outdoor specialist or adventure guide for your trip will let you have fun while staying safe.

Check with the Visitor’s Center at the entrance of the park before your trip to get specific recommendations on what activities are best suited to the season in which you are visiting.